Welcome to the NIBC Brandplatform

The brandplatform for NIBC, based on certain guidelines, represents the branding of the company, visualised throughout components unified in pages.


Seperated by the Atomic Design principle in atoms, molecules and organisms.

View styleguide


Build up by the different components and layout.

View pages

User Manual

Learn how we work and how to add implement the design system into your application.

View manual

New version of setting and more pages

View log


App - High Level WF

Prototype containing the high level wireframes for the app

Open prototype

App - Visual Design V1

Prototype containing first version of the visual design for the app.

Open prototype

App - Visual Design V2

Prototype containing an alternative version of the visual design for the app.

Open prototype

Desktop - Visual Design

Prototype containing visual design for the desktop website.

Open prototype